These classes help provide the student with the ability to
visualize color and energy. Learn to
acquire the skills to move energy through the body and release blockages of
energy that are causing dis-ease and imbalance in your life. With these classes learn how to “ground” the
body and clear each chakra, rather than focusing on what is called the
awakening of Shakti. This is a practical way to start the Kundalini process.
Chakra balancing is done by a guided visualization
meditation, with the energy and attention focused inward.
In my personal opinion the best description of what a chakra
is, comes from Joy Gardner, “The Chakras and Chakric Healing”. “The word chakra
means ”wheel” or “disk” in
Sanskrit. A chakra is an invisible (to
the human eye) center of spinning energy.
Through the chakras we are able to receive and transmit social, sexual,
and spiritual energy. The chakras have
been described as spinning vortexes, or the multi-petaled lotus flower. These flowers, which are considered sacred in
India, symbolize the path of development from a primitive being to the full
evolution of unfolded awareness. They
float upon the water, yet they have their roots in the mud, just as the flower
of your crown chakra connects to the heavens and your base chakra has its roots
in the earth.”
Depending on the system, the number of chakras varies. The basic seven chakras are the most well
known in the West.
What I teach includes 15 chakras for the Kundalini Line:
Earth Star Chakra (reality, grounding),Base/Root
Chakra (survival issues), Sacral Chakra (creativity), Solar Plexus Chakra
(emotions), Heart Seed Chakra (universal love), Heart Chakra (Love), Spleen
Chakra (self-assertiveness/empowerment), Higher Heart Chakra (unconditional
love), Throat Chakra (communication), Third Eye Chakra (intuition), Past Life
Chakras (past life memories), Soma Chakra (soul identity), Crown Chakra
(communication with Spirit), Higher Crown Chakra (spiritual enlightenment),
Soul Star Chakra (Soul connection), Stellar Gateway Chakra (portal to the
Simply because of Divine Galactic
Alignment (2012), it has almost become a necessity to be balanced along the
Kundalini Line as well as the Hara Line chakras. Suffice it to say the Human Body is now evolving
because of the full spectrum of light now being absorbed through the endocrine
system. Without personal knowledge of the
energetic flow of the Human Body, patterns of physical illness and emotional
instability may have already manifested or already are in the process of being
The chakras connect the etheric
double to the physical body and translate the non-physical energy (light) of
either health or disease to the body.
These chakras exist on an energy channel called the Kundalini Line. The next auric body layer is called the emotional body
(astral body), on this energy level exists the Hara Line with another series of
thirteen chakra centers.
The Hara Line chakra balancing class that I teach is modeled after
Diane Stein’s, Barbara Ann Brennan’s, Katrina Raphael’s versions of what is
currently being observed at the Hara Line.
Along with aspects of the ancient Asian yoga called Ch’i Kung and
breath-work from Dr. Zhi Gang Sha, author of “Soul Mind Body Medicine”.
As Diane Stein, author of
“Essential Psychic Healing” and many other books on energy balancing,
“Besides the chakras, the Hara
Line itself is comprised of a double flow of energy. One channel moves from the perineum up the
back, over the top of the head, and down the face to the upper lip. In acupuncture and Ch’I Kung this channel is
called the Governor Vessel (GV). The
second energy flow starts at the lower lip and descends down the front of the
body to end at the perineum. This is
called the Conception Vessel (CV) in acupuncture and Ch’I Kung. Auxiliary flows move energy through the legs
and arms into these channels. The
channels are connected by placing the tongue on the roof of the mouth and
contracting the perineum. Movement of
energy through this circuit involves circulating Ki (life force) through the
connected channels and the Hara Line chakras.
This is called the Microcosmic Orbit, or Large and Small Heavenly Cycle,
and is the basis of the Ch’I Kung
The chakras of the Hara Line Include:
The Hara Chakra (life purpose),
Perineum Chakra (transcending the physical), Diaphragm Chakra (cleansing and
change), Thymus Chakra (immunity and protection), Causal Body Chakra
(Manifesting), Vision Chakras (Laser Healing- per Diane Stein, psychic
vision-per Carol), Transpersonal Point (connection with Astral Body and
Universe). These chakras are involved in
the Microcosmic Orbit-Small Heavenly Cycle.
The Microcosmic Orbit-Large
Heavenly Cycle chakras include: Movement
Chakras (progress on life path), Grounding Chakras (connection to the
physical), Earth Chakra (below the feet).
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